Title: There’s only one girl in the world for you (39a/?)
Author: lapacifidora
Spoilers: Season 1 and into an AU Season 2
Rating/ Warnings: PG-13, for the time being
Word Count: 1,659 (3,414 total)
Disclaimers: Not mine. Although I think Dan Harmon knows this friend of mine and based Troy on her… The title comes from a Wreckless Eric song.
Author’s note
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Comments 16
Poor Jeff and Annie. Those crazy kids can never get a moments peace to sort their feelings for each other out before someone interrupts them lol.
And the chapter dedication was awesome. You're the best! :)
Well, at least time it wasn't Abed, right?
You're welcome. Strangely enough, I met a girl today who's from Melbourne. It was completely unexpected.
Haha that is a little weird. Us Melburnians get around. Ask her if she knows me lol. :P
Two things about it:
1. I really liked Annie talking about why she didn't go with Vaughn. It sounds so "Annie-ish," like something from the actual show.
2. I love Mr. Edison! I don't know how the fandom seems to have come to the decision that Annie is a "Daddy's Girl," but I like it. If the "real" Mr. Edison turns out to be a jerk in the actual "Community", I might be a little upset.
Liked how you snuck in Jeffs middle name Tobias.
Yeah. I've got an explanation for that, but I haven't gotten around to putting it in yet. And I agree about the retconning, though I'm sure things will settle down soon enough.
Liked how you snuck in Jeffs middle name Tobias.
Thanks. But, to be totally honest, I'd decided a while ago that Annie's dad is distantly related to Tobias 'Toby' ZIegler, former speech writer for President Bartlett, who was shown in flashbacks to be the son of an Orthodox Jewish mobster. (Do you ever wonder if the space in your brain where you store your fandom knowledge could be put to better use?)
1. I based Annie's explanation on what she said when she explained why she bashed Jeff's head into the study table. (And, annoyingly, what she said in tonight's episode about why she kissed Jeff. Gah, Dan Harmon.)
2. So do I. I'm not sure either why we've assumed Annie is a 'Daddy's Girl,' but I think it kind of makes sense. If the show!Mr. Edison turns out to be non-awesome, I think I'm going to be awfully disappointed.
Annie's dad is so awesome, I think if they ever introduce him on the show and he's not this awesome, I might be a little disappointed.
It's really fun to write Annie's dad. I'm totally looking forward to writing the scene where Jeff and Mr. Edison meet. It's going to be fun. :D
And "Going to the mattresses" made me think of You've Got Mail (even though I know it's originally from The Godfather).
And what you wrote about smelling snow a few chapters ago made me think of Gilmore Girls :)
I am absolutely loving this story, by the way - you know, in case you think I'm only reading for all the references, lol.
Thank you: I kind of picked up on you liking the story itself, but it's still lovely to hear. :)
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