Ficcy Friday (holiday version, and a million years late!)

Dec 25, 2015 01:44

Joyeux Noel! Happy Holidays! Feliz Navidad! Whatever you celebrate (or don't celebrate), the return of Ficcy Friday is a straight up holiday miracle!

My sincere apologies - this comm hasn't been abandoned or anything, I've just had my ass kicked by October to December. So, to cheer me up, to keep people entertained, and to inspire... Promot and fic and vid right here on this post! I'll be checking in and, hopefully, posting a bit myself... It's my ferverent desire to finish one of my million in-progress fics in the coming year. And hopefully, revitalize the comm a bit!

If you have ideas, questions... Anything, feel free to send a message to either of the mods! We're definitely still kicking around!

!m&m: ficcy friday

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