How will Jeff and Annie Get Together?: Discussion and Fic Challenge

Jun 30, 2014 22:01

We all know it's going to happen. Five years of sexual tension and character development have led up to it. Jeff and Annie will (hopefully) end up together in season six. But how will it happen?

[Spoiler (click to open)]
  • Will Jeff switch roles with Annie, hopelessly pining over her?
  • Will he continue trying to deny his feelings for her, only to reveal them in an extremely embarrassing way?
  • How drunk will Jeff and Annie be when they confess their feelings to each other?
  • Will it happen before the season, in the middle, during the finale, or during the movie?
  • Will we find out that they've been secretly dating this whole time?
  • Will they confess their feelings and immediately get together?  Or will one of them reject the other at first?
  • Will it happen during a crazy, concept-episode Adventure?
  • how badly will Dan Harmon tease us before making Jeff/Annie canon?
  • What else will happen?
Discuss Below

AND Participate in the

How will it Happen? FIC CHALLENGE:
Write a fic  illustrating your theory for how Jeff and Annie will get together in season six.  Post it in milady_milord.  Go as crazy as you want.  Make it a oneshot or a novel.  It's up to you.  The main focus will be on what happens between Jeff and Annie.  But you'll get extra points for correctly guessing the crazy movie-trope-inspired plot that it will happen during.

Once we are getting close to the premiere of season 6, we will have a poll to see whose theory is most popular.  We will wait week by week until Jeff and Annie finally get together.  And when they do, the winner will be decided by a vote to see whose fic was closest to the canon events.  The writer will then be crowned the Captain of the S.S. Milady/Milord.

Let me know below if you're interested in participating.

Let's do this!

community: general discussion, !m&m: challenges, fan: fiction

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