Yes, it's check-in time once again!
FYI, if you have not received an assignment yet, that is very, very bad!. Please let me know ASAP.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the fic exchange, about your assignment, etc., please comment - just keep all identifying details (names, prompts) a secret! This post is NOT screened so anyone can see the comments and we want the Secret Santa to be a SECRET! You're also welcome to DM me and we can discuss any issues.
Please comment even if you aren't directly participating as a writer - are you would be willing to offer up beta services, act as a sounding board or you want to support people or just spread holiday cheer? You are very welcome to participate that way, too!
Posting begins in 10 days (December 26th) but you can work on it for up to 21 days (January 6th, 2014) if needed. It's nice to receive a gift, regardless of whether it comes a little earlier or a little later!