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sandysan2013 April 19 2012, 21:46:02 UTC
Sheesh! Finally, someone has yanked Gwen's chain about her behavior. The canon scene always bothered me for several reasons, not the least of which was that she assumed once again that a man would find her attractive and spill his guts because of it. All her flirting w/John Hart got her was almost dead. I also didn't like her arguing w/Jack in front of someone outside their group. It was bad enough she challenged Jack in front of the rest of the team, but especially when others were involved it was essential Torchwood act as a team and follow orders. She could never be counted on to do that and i am so glad she finally gets straight, even if I had to wait for fanfiction to do it.

Jack handled this instance of disrepect, but there is still lingering disrepect toward the second, Ianto. I'd be much happier if Gwen were made to leave the team if she really can't behave. I've been in the classroom and its almost impossible to maintain control when one or more students is constantly pushing the limits. Unless you handle it swifting, using carrots and sticks, you're likely to lose control at some point and its hard to get that repects and discipline back once its gone. I've found it to be the same among the "pencil-pushers" with whom I spend my days.

It will be interesting how Ianto handles Hart. I doubt dragons can be felled by anything as simple as poisonous lip gloss, but we don't really know, do we? And if Ianto gets waylaid afterall, who's going to run about saving everyone else? I love John Hart 'cause he's a bad boy and all bad boys need love, but I wouldn't mind him getting a bit scorched if it keeps him from doing any real harm. Yep, I said it - let Ianto toast him a bit!!! That would be fun, though I think if it comes to that, Gwen will be right in the middle of whatever goes wrong.

Sorry to write so muc, but your updates are always so much fun. They're like weekly installments of the show we can chat about just like the canon episodes. Bye for now.


milady_dragon April 22 2012, 01:48:31 UTC
Oh, that's our Gwen...thinking she's always right! *laughs*

Hart will have a surprise, that's for sure. *winks*

No, I love your comment! It's fantastic! Please write them as long as you want. Thanks! :)


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