I asked if
milady_milord could host a kink meme and the mods were kind enough to say yes!
There was such a buzz of creativity and friendship in this comm during the hiatus that I would love to see continue and we haven't done a kink meme since December 2009 (
here) as far as I can tell. I copied most of the rules and policies from the
glee_kink_meme because I know it's
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Hee! Wet!Jeff and Wet!Annie are Awesome!Jeff and Awesome!Annie! Pretty much thought I'd dropped the ball on the descriptions in the fic, mainly all the wet references. Going back over it, I see it's not as bare bones as I'd thought. I love unexpected sex fics, especially in this fandom. Not sure why, but I adore them. And write them a lot. I have so many partially written and plotted.
Awww! Seriously! Dude, that is an awesome thing to say. I love writing fic and I usually get a lot more written with prompts that inspire shorter fics, so the pleasure was all mine. Or, theirs actually.
Of course they're going to do more hot fucking. That just goes without saying. In my mind? They always do, no matter how crappy the fic ending, in my mind? Sexors for ever!
Everything by Lifehouse! That is one of my favorite songs ever. I just love the slow, tender build up and then it just takes off and... yeah. You're right; Jeff was saying Annie's everything he wants and needs and all that other stuff. I just said it with porn. Hee!
I'm so, so happy you enjoyed it! Those lines you quoted up there? I almost deleted them because they sounded too cheesy to me.
Thank you so much for your feedback! I love all feedback, but this is full of awesome. :) (p.s. more to come, and possibly three versions of one prompt *hangs head*)
Writing porn half-asleep is definitely working for you, lol, I noticed when I'm half-asleep it has more powerful effect on me so being in the same state while writing manages to carry across that heady hazy feeling.
Nope, mmhm, love all the descriptions, YUM.
I guess Jeff and Annie spend so much time talking when they actually should be putting their mouths to a better use makes us want them to rip each other's clothes off even more without unnecessary talking ;D
I have so many partially written and plotted.
Tease :P
the pleasure was all mine. Or, theirs actually.
Hehe, I think it was a mutually beneficial experience for all the parties involved ;D
Geez, in my mind, that's all they do, well, in between cuddling, lots and lots of cuddling and sexxin', because I have this view of them not being able to keep their hands off each other and just generally NEEDING to be touching each other all the time, the phrase "to me you are simply physical necessity" now makes me laugh because I hear it in Britta's voice but the sentiments screams Annie and Jeff. Also,last week I was reading urbandictionary definitions of Sprung and just SEEING Jeff/Annie,heh (how I even got there, I was actually rereading your missing moment drabbles and decided to check the words you mention Pierce using and Googly Eyes led me to Sprung which was a term I'd never heard before) but yes, they are going to be absolutely addicted to each other. I'm choosing to believe that until the canon proves me otherwise which I doubt will happen because they would have to make J/A an actual thing to disprove my theory and I'm not sure Harmon will ever do that.
I just love the slow, tender build up and then it just takes off and... yeah.
kinda like Jeff/Annie ;D
Heh, this is such a fits whatever OTP you have right now-song, a lot of their songs do. I remember when Smoke and Mirrors album came out every song screamed Doctor/Rose at me xD Now everything is Jeff/Annie, EVERYTHING ;)
You're right; Jeff was saying Annie's everything he wants and needs and all that other stuff. I just said it with porn. Hee!
Hee, the best way to say it indeed, usually the moment Jeff opens his mouth a lie comes out but his body doesn't lie, and it's SO HOT.(I love show more than tell, of course I want to hear Jeff say the words and mean them one day but this is not the time but he can speak with his actions now and I would believe that)
How completely out of control he is for this woman, like a man possessed, and he didn't even care about his precious clothes, that's saying a lot when it comes to Jeff Winger XD. (of course, he's not used to deny himself something he so desperately wants for such a long time, so it makes the pay off that much more intense and who the heck would care about clothes when there's unclothed Annie in front of you)
NOO, not cheesy at all, they were what was needed if you ask me, like a way to soften the intensity/roughness/srsness of the encounter, because Jeff and Annie can't NOT be sweet together for long, because that's just who they are together, and I love that Annie sort of turns it into a joke, to lighten up the air. The exchange is really lovely.
(ooh, three versions of one prompt, colour me intrigued)
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