Hey all! Thank you for the amazing responses to our first Ficcy Friday post!
lilyayl took it upon herself to creat a master list of all the fics submitted for last week's post, which you can find
here :) Thanks dude!
Now it's time to switch over to a new post, new prompts, and (hopefully) some new fic!
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"I thought you threw away that college experiences list."
"I did."
"So we're not taking a dope road trip because you think it's an essential college experience?"
"But 'take a dope road trip' was on the list."
"I don't think I used the word dope. And 'take a road trip' was on the list, but that's not why we're taking the trip."
"So why are we taking it?"
"Partly because we haven't been able to spend very much time together this summer."
"Thanks, man."
"And also because I think it will help my filmmaking career."
"So we're going to Hollywood?"
"No. Hollywood is still the ultimate goal, but for now I want to work on making my independent films as good as they can be."
"So we're going to Sundance?"
"No. Danville. Actually, we're almost there now."
"Danville? That doesn't sound very dope."
"I never said it would be dope. That's your word."
"Yeah, OK. So what's in Danville?"
"Only the foremost guerrilla filmmakers in the country. Talking to them about their methods will really help me grow as an artist."
"So are we almost there? I gotta take a leak."
"Well, here's Maple Drive, that's where they live. They'll probably let you use their bathroom."
"Man, I gotta go so bad. It's like in a cartoon when you're hungry and your friends start looking like hot dogs?"
"I don't like where this is heading."
"No, man, it's just that I'm seeing a giant toilet over there behind that house."
"I see that too."
"Huh. Giant toilets are kinda dope, I guess."
"It looks like it's pretty close to where we're going. Maybe you can check it out while I'm talking to--"
"Dude! It's gone! I was looking right at it and it just disappeared!"
"This is wrinkling my brain. And why was there a giant toilet here in the first place?"
"Good question. Look, we're here."
"I think this is where the toilet was."
"Maybe those kids know something about it."
"Man, I though Jeff had a weird forehead. I can't tell where that kid's nose stops and the rest of his head begins."
"I think he might have heard you. He's coming over to the car."
"Are you Abed and Troy?"
"This place is freaking me out."
"That's us. Are you Phineas?"
"Yes, yes I am, and this is my brother Ferb. We've got some notes for you. We can talk up in our room."
"Cool. Cool, cool, cool."
"Can we talk about the giant toilet?"
"Oh, that was just something Ferb and I built to help our friend Isabella with one of her Fireside Girl patches."
"But what happened to it? I mean, I saw it and then all a sudden it was gone."
"I don't really know what happened to it. That sort of thing happens a lot around here."
"This is not making me less freaked out."
"Come on, let's go get some snacks."
"Sounds good. You know, you guys seem pretty young to be filmmakers."
"We get that a lot."
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