(no subject)

Apr 19, 2007 09:17

I'm off my imaginary plateu!!!!!!!! Woooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My cousin Rene has been in town the last couple days and is awsome. I love my family. We have good genes.

So, watching old DEVO Videos while stoned. Pretty scary.

I am taking 15 units in the fall. Three of those units are PE classes including Self defense for women, Cardio kickboxing, and yoga. The off season for paddling isn't going to suck this year for me, and I won't feel guilty about pigging out over the holidays.

Hopefully in the nearer rather than far future, money won't be so much of a problem, details pending..... And I will be able to quit ACRA (the business where I work) and get a job without having to worry about how much I'm being paid. I'm going to stick around here a bit longer though, because the more I learn here the better I can train a replacement.

At SBCC I'm going to take Yoga, Kickboxing, Self-Defense, Beg. Italian, Human Anatomy, and Beg. Accounting.

Yes, accounting. Eventually I would like to own my own business. I don't want to make it my life, but It would be cool. Plus, if I were to do the accounting for a small business or non-profit organization, I could charge $40 bucks an hour without them even flinching. Our bookeeper, Debbie, says that you don't have to be good at math but good with numbers in a pretty basic way, which I am. Also, as a massage therapist, self- employment is important.

Last week I went paddling and it was so windy and wet that My boardshorts chaffed my stomach so bad that it hasn't even scabbed over until today. I need

Cappeline pants- the kind runners wear
a new car
a garage sale
a bra that fits

What I need to do is-

get all the crap that belongs in the trash or the garage out of the back yard
plant my sunflowers
transplant my gardenia bush
weed the side yard
wash my car
clean out and vacuum my car
find my goddamn W2
call my personal trainer at 24 hour and set up another appointment
call my sister
hang out with Amanda
call Callie
go sign up for classes at CC
get all the drug paraphenelia out of my living room
invite Brian over for dinner because I bet he is lonely =(
call Stanzi
get back in the gym
laundry at the laundromat or Eddie's mom's
start saving money for a personal project I have coming up


I'm very excite.
Playing the piano is normally the first thing I do when I come home from work, It totally calms me and when I stand back up I'm ready to do anything. But its been making my ears bleed so I had to stop =(

In ten years I am going to be 30. In the next ten years, alot of things are going to happen.
In the last ten years alot of things happened.

My parents got divorced
I changed schools 
moved out of my childhood home
discovered my love of theatre
both of my Dad's parents passed away
discovered my passion for Goddess spirituality ( thank you pookie)
found out my mother is insane
became infatuated with the opposite sex
had my heart broken
met Eddie
fell in love
lost my virginity
smoked weed
failed at college
got a job
gave up on my parents
became an athlete
moved out
done what I really wanted to do
found out who I really am
made my peace with God... not saying that the heartbreaks that come with life won't shake my foundations to the core, but I'm not afraid of being angry with god. Whatever curses I say to the divine, they can take it.

Life is good right now.

Amanda. When are we going to dye your hair? Is there ever an evening when you are not working? gdsfjhldksljhlk!!!!!!!!!!

POOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you feeling better?

Thanks to all who left comments on my last entry. I don't see you all as much as I'd like to, and its nice having people care about you =)

Back to labeling file folders =)
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