In the last 15 years or so, many cities around the world have been
painting 'look' signs at the ends of pedestrian crossings, to remind
people which way to look for traffic. They're especially helpful for
one-way streets, and serve as a useful reminder for people visiting
from places where traffic drives on the other side of the road. But
San Francisco apparently didn't get it-'look' signs there point
both ways, even at one-way streets. They totally defeat the
The San Franciscan version would be useful here in Pisco, though.
Although traffic mostly drives on the right, you can never be too
sure. My bed overlooks a divided road, and when they close a
carriageway for roadwork, they simply put caution tape across it, and
leave it for motorists to work it out. Most of them just go to the
other side of the median (one or two try their luck with the footpath)
and the oncoming traffic usually gets out of the way. Or everything
stops. Or they pass each other on the left. Or they use the
other footpath. And it usually leads to longer beeping...
motorists all beep their horns so much, seemingly as a greeting, so
there's a constant beep beep beep-a beep beep all day long, but when
they're pissed off, it's more like beeeeep beeeep beeeep-a-beeeep
Anyhow, I've gotten used to looking both ways before crossing the
road, even a divided road.
Other things I've gotten used to just in these couple of days:
- Checking banknotes as I receive them. Counterfeiting is a real
issue here, so when money is exchanged, both the merchant and the
consumer inspect banknotes and hold them up to the light in unison. It
looks like dance.
- Grabbing empty beer bottles from the stash next to the recycle
bins, whenever I go to buy a full one. (Beer comes exclusively in
longnecks here, although they're only 650mL (a little more than a
standard pint) (a lot more than a U.S. pint), not 750mL (a longneck in
- Filling the bladder in my camelback. I drink pretty much exactly
4L of water per day, and tap water is not potable.
- Turning on the hot water heater when I use the shower. I finally
figured out why it wasn't working-just because it displays a
temperature doesn't mean it's on!
- Going to the beach after work. The first day I was here, the
water was swimmable, but it's just gotten too cold for me. So now I
just watch my new friend, Natasha, get dumped by waves. She's from
Canada-I don't think the water will ever be too cold for
her. (The Norwegians say she's nuts, though.)
- Entering the gate code, and ducking-the clearance is like
- Signing up to sweep the office floor in the morning, before less
pleasant chores get handed out. I think I'll mop the office floor
tomorrow, though, for that extra satisfaction.
- Going downtown and buying a double scoop ice cream. It costs
S/.1.50, which works out to be less than $0.40. The shitty ice creams
on sticks cost like S/.6-I have no idea why anybody buys them.
They also don't have that exotic-to-me fruit flavour that the scoop
shop has. I've forgotten what it's called-I just point.
- Saying '¡Hola!' instead of 'G'day!'