[Timestamp in EWDT]
... and most of them with significant bodies of water between
So while Buffalo Airport was very friendly, they also stuffed up my
ticket, and I ended up in a middle seat. Grrr! I was unimpressed with
British Airways' attitude towards it, but the plane at least had really good
cushions folding out of the headrest. Instead of lifting flaps at
either side of the headrest like on Australasian airlines, you swivel
them from the side, providing your head with more support. I was
therefore able to sleep, sort of, without a window to lean
It's amazing how close Europe and North America are. It only took
five hours to get to London thanks to the 150km/h tailwind we had. The
Brits didn't know what to do with us, though, so we spent half an hour
going in circles above Heathrow before we were allowed to land. Then
it took another 20 minutes to find a flight of stairs to push against
the plane. But still, it's so close, it's a wonder I don't come here
more often. This is my first time in London since
October 2002.
I have a knack for quickly working out public transport, and since
I've been here before, it was a breeze. I was actually disappointed
about how unremarkable it all felt, until I got a rush at London
Bridge Station. I'm not sure what triggered it; maybe it was the
extraordinarily long escalators, or the fact that they were selling
wine at the tuck shop. But it's the rush I seek as a
traveller-it is to culture shock what compersion is to jealousy.
It's a high that's much more expensive than a drug high, but the
stories you can tell about your experience getting there are at least
as entertaining, and the photos you take are still interesting when
the trip is over.
twangman and
a_musing_amazon have
provided me with a wonderful base for the European/African leg of my
journey: I have a real bed with my own shower in a cute five-level
townhouse, about as suburban as it gets in London. They're two blocks
from Honor Oak Park Station, which they tell me got its name from some
long-buried monarch knighting a tree one drunken night. I went out to
lunch with
twangman, but since the earth kept moving and
I was pretty sure it didn't have anything to do with that particle
accelerator that everyone's been crapping on about today, I had a
little nap this afternoon. I won't have much time for sight seeing in
London this year, but I should still be able to check out the huge
ferris wheel thingie that
hopeforyou and I keep seeing
in the background when we watch MI-5/Spooks.
Right now I'm on a train that will take me to a ship to Holland,
hence the title of this article. I left Canada at about 21:00 UTC
yesterday, and I should arrive at Hoek van Holland at something like
08:00 UTC tomorrow, less than 36 hours later.