Well, i'm 29.5 today. Yup that is twenty-nine and a half. Kind of a wierd tradition in my family where we count each others half birthdays. I woke up and I felt old and whickity whacked! My left knee has been killing me for the past few days and so I've been taking it easy. I hope that when I turn 30 the knee paind will have gone and past.
Kenny is in Seatlle this weekend, so it's just me and kitty. And a couple of friends that have stopped by and said "hi!" It's nice to be here and be (feel) comfortable. Makes me wish I had a house of my own. My apartment is standing by and that's good enough for me. I miss Kenny though. I just love going to sleep with him and then waking up by his side. He's so my man!
Yesterday Johanna and I went to run some errands and then stopped off at Fred Meyers for some of my diet food. To my suprise I spent $20 bucks on crap, but healthy crap to say the least. We jumped into her Mom's honda drove up to Mt. Tabor. Wow, what an amazing view. Getting up to the top was a little difficult for me and my funky knee. I reached the top though, and what a wonderful day it was to sit and the sun shoot the shit and stare at downtown Portland.
Today, I woke up a little late and felt a little exhausted from all the sleep. I watched an episode of this show called Intervention on A&E. It was crazy shit! People dealing with there adictions most of them fatal I might add. Anorexia, heroin addiction, pot addiction, and alcholism. All of the addictions hit home especially the pot addiction. I believe that most of the people around me at one point in time used marijuana as a crutch to deal with their own realities including myself. It's really sad to see and addiction tear families and people apart.
I'm off to make some steak, asparagus, and rice with my friend Didi. I hope it turns out good, but you can't really fuck up steak unless to cook it too long!