Mar 05, 2008 12:30
so last night i didnt get ANY sleep. none. sure id get that sporadic few minutes of tossing and turning. i wonder if it was maybe a bad burrito or some such nonsense. anyway i had this reoccuring nightmare. i was on this yacht, not sure if it was mine or not but at the time it felt like it belonged to me. we are out in the middle of the ocean and it seems great at first because there is a taco bell on the boat somehow. fantastic right? NO...NO NO NO. evertyhing i order comes with onions? what the hell? then somehow because i wont eat the onions this man bursts out fo the nearest door. but he is completly skinless. just dripping blood off of muscle tissue and he is about 7 feet tall and wants to kick my ass or eat not sure. so the whole rest of the night im constantly waking up sweaty and afraid just to go back to sleep and have the same nightmare again running from skinless dude. right now it all seems rediculous and not scary at all but when i was there it was fucking terrifying. and theres no way i was gonna jump overboard because the only thing im more afraid of than bears is forget that. what else is new....i got a snazzy new haircut. its called a faded cut or some shit like that. its nice. and ummmm what else, oh im back in the saddle and going to the gym every other day at work now so this time im not gonna overdo it like before as coming home and taking 5 hour naps then waking up to play video games then going back to sleep was not working for me. its all about balance i suppose. i thought maybe i was going to be sick this morning because of how crappy i felt last night but i refuse to get sick so i made it out of those woods unscathed. go me. im having a birthday party on saturday the 15th which should be pretty fun. this time though ive been inviting a few new close friends ive made recently who i hope will show their faces so it shoudl be pretty fun and great. i plan on wearing a sweater vest and getting really fucking drunk. go me!