Sep 18, 2005 04:15
I loathe being sick. My stomach is all shaky and woozy and all I want to do is curl up in the fetal position under the blankets. This is why I don't get sick. I just don't have the time or energy for it. Initially I thought I had my first ever hang over. I woke up with a headache and a girgling stomach. But then I realized I only had 2 weak Sex on the Beach on Friday and plenty of food. As the day progressed I became more nausous and icky feeling. I didn't even feel like eating, but I managed to eat half a can of soup and some bread hoping it would settle my stomach -- unfortunately I was wrong. I haven't thrown up yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if I did at this point in time.
I'm not sure if this is sheer exhaustion and stress that's causing my body to do this, or if I actually have caught something running around the school. I usually pick up all the headcolds but very, very rarely do I get the stomach virii (is that the right word?). Anyway, this is the 2nd time in over 2 years I've caught a stomach bug, if it is indeed what I've got.
Ugh, and somehow I have to get my apartment clean by Monday afternoon before everyone comes over for D&D. It really looks like a train wreck has occured. I can't take it!