worth the wait - drabble; pg
because key knew at the end of the night that it was worth the wait.
with purpose - oneshot; nc17
jonghyun could see it. kibum was doing it on purpose... kibum knew exactly what he was doing.
sleep-mask - oneshot; nc17
jonghyun had that look in his eye all day... kibum wasn't sure whether to count it as a blessing or not that everyone else
was gone from the dorm that night.
couch - oneshot; nc17
to be honest, key had lost all interest in his tabloid by the time jonghyun sat up behind him.
making an exception - complete; pg15-nc17
(side 2min)
filthy. disgusting. unnatural. wrong. jonghyun had always been taught that homosexuality was nothing less than revolting.
he never questioned the fact, though he never saw what exactly was so bad about it... but after he meets the subtly-rebellious
and always-honest boy who prefers to be called "key", he finds himself wondering... if it was wrong, then why did it always
make him so happy? and if it was so unnatural, then why can't he make it stop?
bright green 2.
honest critique 3.
warning 4.
father 5.
about minho 6.
dance class 7.
come home with me 8.
what's wrong with you? 9.
try something new 10.
I want this. 11.
talk to me 12.
what I've been missing 13.
masochist 14.
one last try 15.
to be real 16.
okay. wait. okay. 17.
11:57 pm 18.
scenarios. decisions. 19.
competitive side 20.
he noticed 21.
the calm and the storm 22.
afternoon 23.
calm down, yeobo 24.
wishful thinking 25.
caught 26.
spreading the news 27.
his skin 28.
man-to-man talk 29.
eye-opener 30.
finally 31. intimacy
1/2 2/2 32.
nice to meet you, ma'am 33.
why does it matter? 34.
versus 35.
(dis)approval 36.
is it true? 37.
vulnerable 38.
torn and taped together 39.
motherly concerns 40.
no regrets 41.
this is it +1.
chocolate chip pancakes +2.
it won't happen +3.
apparently-satisfactory apology +4.
like in the stories +5.
facing her +6.
always a skeptic +7.
six months +8.
"good morning" +9.
perfect +10.
thunderstorms +11.
backseat +12.
anxiety +13.
an awkward conversation +14.
irritation +15.
don't leave stressed and sweet - complete; pg15
(side 2min)
all it took was the snap of a needle for kibum to sort out his priorities. he was already busy, too busy, but it couldn't be
avoided. but kibum was soon to find that the job hunt brought him to a place that felt a lot less like work and a lot more like an
escape from his daily life... just what he needed.
chapter 1. chapter 2. chapter 3. chapter 4. chapter 5. chapter 6. chapter 7. chapter 8. chapter 9. chapter 10. chapter 11. chapter 12. chapter 13. chapter 14. chapter 15. 2min
those pants - oneshot; nc17
if there was one trait taemin could praise his hyung for, it was professionalism.
soda - drabble; pg
his first kiss was a lot like drinking a soda.