Name- jake.
Age- 16
Sex- dude.
Hair color- brown.
Eye color- blue.
Zodiac sign- gemini??
Heritage/nationality- damn polick bitches.
Person your named after - hell no. im the damn original.
People you live with - my mom and dog. and my sister when she isn't at college.
Color- blue. white. black. green. orange. red. pink. brown.
Band - not just one.
TV Show - laguna. oc. sports center. andy milinakis. coughgreysanatomyanddesperatehousewivescough
Video Game- tiger woods 05
Movie- tommy boy.
Food- food.
Room in the house - my dormitorio.
Cuss Word - fuck, bitch
Flower - marrygold or lilly
Animal- otter. porcupine. monkey.
Pizza Topping - pepperoni
Season- summa
Shampoo- uhh?
Hairspray- i hate hairspray it tastes bad.
CD - fall out boy. yellowcard. or motioncity soundtrack
Gum - orbit.
Resturant - pronto pups. la luna. arnies. apple bees.
Late night activity- went to ice cream with erika and spent the night at jons.
Holiday- christmas.
Number- 5
Candy- redvine. pull and peel. sour patch kids.
Song - hahha um too many.
Starbucks beverage- the frozen shit thing.
Are you for or Against...
Prostitution - well would saying against make me a hippocrate because that would be my main profession?
Abortion - Against
Drunk Driving- Against
Legalizing Drugs- Against
Death Penalty- Against
Illegal immigrants- Against
Premarital sex- against.
War- Right now? Against
Hippies- they are cool.
Clothes on dogs- its kinda demoralizing but its cute.
Public Schools- for
Spam- well the meat in the can? thats just not right
Gay Marrage- For
Slavery- against well besides if they are cambodians. hahaha jk
Interracial Relationships - for.
Arranged Marriages - i guess agianst.
Republicans- uhh im not republican but i have no problem with them
De-forestation - against but sometimes its healthy
Gun control- i dont like guns.
Zoos - mean
Organic Farming- its good.
Affirmative action- um. i dono. i guess so diversity always is nice.
Britney Spears- shes gross but she has a few good songs.
Chuck Taylor's- i had some.
Preps- well i guess i would be considered one? so i guess for.
Genetically Modified crops- for.
Curfews- i don't care.
Tommy Hilfiger-for
The Atkins Diet- agaisnt it, its bad for your body.
Victoria's Secret models- well they aren't bad lookin.
This or That
Jello or Pudding- oh baby both.
hotmail or yahoo- hotmail.
Carpet or hardwood- hardwood.
Cats or Dogs- i prefer the bitch.
Fish or mice- Fish
Wine or beer- neither
Abercrombie or Hot Topic- Abercrombie
Cake or pie - both.
Kisses or hugs- i like hugs
Golf or Poker - both.
Shower or bath- Shower
Kinky or not- is kinky like assless chaps? because if it is. preferably not.
Independent Films or Big Company Films- either or
Spoons or Forks-im all bout spoons
Do you...
Drink diet pop- ick no
Eat a lot of junk food- yeah you could say that
Watch soap opras- no
Watch CSI- nope
Wear make up- haha nope