I can't think of anything.

Jun 14, 2007 23:52

As of now, my feelings are very mixed. How come, just as the school year's about to start. Things like these happen? Can it be just a coincidence or pure bad luck? MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. I am tired. Everyone is. People change, no? And you don't know who's for real. Real friends are indeed, hard to find. One day, you're like the best buddies in the whole world. The next day, you're like total strangers. Fascinating, but painful. I just can't believe how things can change in a short period of time. And you can't do anything about it, but think, how the hell did this happen? As people grow older, they also begin to grow apart from each other. And that's what hurts the most. Maybe, I should've believed my dad that your friends today, will just be a distant memory 10 years from now. Just when you think that you have the greatest set of friends in the world, your friendship starts to crumble, and anger finds its way into your relationship with one another. I AM HATING THIS FEELING. I wish everything goes back the way it was. Even better, I hope.

..and it only took me 5 minutes to have an entry in straight english. HAHAHA, yey me. Anyway, Lyk, Marts, Nice, Thers and Jaim, I really enjoyed hanging out with you guys. :) Whoo, 3 days to go before the school starts. I AM SO EXCITED. :> Hahahaha. Anyway, this ends here. Sorry for the grammatical errors, I am not that fluent in English, you know. Forgive me. Hahaha :p
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