Oct 31, 2010 09:18
Happy halloween!
last night, i went to thishalloween carnival thing up by where ren fair is with a few friends. sooo much fun =]
...aside from losing my cell phone ;-;
They had a few rides, and we ended up going on the gravitron which, as usual, was effing awesome.....Thing was, i was wearing my Little Red costume, and my cell phone was in my apron pocket. Apparently, one of the 'seat' shifts launched it out of my pocket. I QUESTION THE PHYSICS OF THIS OCCURANCE. If i'm centripically being held against the wall (and can't even move my arms fast enough to catch my phone as it flys out of my pocket), then how does my phone FALL once it's no longer in said pocket? Shouldn't it still have been forced against the wall? Theoretically, it should have just been there, by my foot if anything, when the ride stopped. Buuuut it was nowhere to be found D= The ride operator guy looked around, went behind the seats and all, but it was gone ;-; I gave him my number (house line. lol =| ) so if he finds it when they're taking the ride down he can let me know, but augh. i want my phone back! I know i don't use it much anymore, and that the people i used to consistently text I hardly talk to now, but.....i feel naked without it ^^;;
And yes, i will admit that right after i lost it, i had the mind to go on facebook and post that i lost my phone, just incase anyone was actually trying to get in touch with me.
Then i realized I couldnt post, since i didnt have my phone to post from. >>;;;
><;; I've only had the damn thing for like 3 weeks! i want it baaaaaack
On the plus side, I should be able to get a replacement for it, since i have the insurance plan thing on it? I reeeeaaaaally don't wanna have to program all my numbers in though ><;
mrrrrr. Now i'm gonna be at work all day, going to check it, only to remember i can't, cause i dont have it ><