Your pixel army can't save you now~

May 28, 2009 23:52

I intended to use my day off to work on patterns for my dress for con. Guess what didn't happen at all XD Go me. Maybe tomorrow. I've got two weeks now XD

Still need to make: Arm things, neck thing, and the actual dress. Need to shorten and add a closure to the underskirt. That'll take like fifteen minutes though, not hard. The actual dress? AUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH. And i totally need one of THESE at some point.  OMFG SRSLY. *geeks* I found one on ebay. I wanna get it. i'll prolly cave and buy it tomorrow. Depending on how much my car costs, what goes down at skate place, and how much money i've got left in my account XD

--skate place: Need my skates sharpened pretty bad. Also a very large possibility i'll up and get new skates. *shudder* MINE ARE LIKE SIX YEARS OLD. MAYBE MORE. IDK! >>;;

On a completley random note, i just took some really pretty pictures of Eyo, one of my latest resin additions. <3. Redid her faceup today, and i'm even more in love now ^^

Story note: Eyo is one of five gods watching over the worlds. The gods have a hand in most of my stories. Its pretty interesting, though horribly difficult to explain, since i dont have everything worked out yet. I'll save you the difficulty of trying to follow my ideas. XD;;

other story note: I've been thinking a lot about various story tidbits these past few days, and i've been pulling a few things together. I really need to start getting more of Citilla's story straight. She's only been living in my head for eight years. =\  My other main story needs a few more details and more character development. ....and the damn village needs to stop demanding characters.

kay. Sleep time. XD Skating in the morning, and god knows what else. <3


skating, story, dolls, random, life

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