Apr 20, 2005 01:51
and everything is completely clear. shiraz's are fucking awful; unique flavor, and I can't stand them. I'll stick with my zinfandel and pinot. If I'm wrong, tell me...
on a different note. I'm totally coming up to sacramento on the 11th until the 16th... and I want to hang with everyone... including YOU chirstina, bwaha. suckers. I'm open to hang on the 11th/13th-15th. if there's anything happening, holler. ha.
on sunday kyle, matt, mike (ha), and mah nigga david are coming down till the 29th and it's going to non-stop awesomeness. too bad my other negros ain't down for a road trip, crazy talk. also, i'm going to e3... again... bitches. i'll take pictures and movies again, it'll be good times.
alright, enough drunken posting. i'm out.
aloha, caio.
p.s. listen to the Thunderbirds Are Now! or else.
p.s.s. I heart you.