Wait, Who? David, yeah... it's been a while

Mar 29, 2005 06:34

Okay, for those who give a shit... I'm posting a life update.
Currently - School/Contract Work/Golf/PSP&Lumines.
April 23rd - Starting my left wrist to elbow bamboo sleeve. Will give more details later / show pictures.
May 12th - 24th - Sacramento + Roadtrip to Portland, Oregon (If anyone's down for an Oregon roadtrip from the 19th-23rd let me know).
July 1st - Moving to a new apartment.
July 26th - August 8th - Kawai, Hawaii.
Fall 2005 - Graduation. BS Interactive Media Design.
Early 2006 - Moving to Portland or Astoria.
I might be trashing my 916 cell and just sticking with my 619 sidekick number, so if anyone actually reads this journal any more, update my number to 619.757.0747 kthx.
♥♥ Honey Roasted Peanuts ♥♥
♥♥ Lumines will ruin my life ♥♥
I've been reading a bunch of memoirs lately and have decided that Richard Feynman is a brilliant man.
Also, I've been thinking about getting my lip redone. An inverted labret on both sides again... because it was fucking sexy and gave me the strength of 10 men who each have the strength of 10 men.
Take the Oath
Goonies Never Say Die!
I will never betray my Goon Dock friends,
We will stick together till the whole world ends.
Through heaven and hell and nuclear war,
Good pals like us will stick like tar.
In the city or the country or the forest or the boonies,
I am proudly declared a fellow
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