Jul 22, 2005 00:47
Ok, now before I fall asleep, I want to document today:
As you know, I haven't had much sleep lately, and I ended up falling asleep at work, I was only out for like 15 min, but that's not the point! Dad was being a total ass today, he was really tempermental, and I still can't figure out what I did, but he got pissed at me, he was holding a scaple gun in his hand and raised it, as if to hit me, I raised a arm to block, saying, "Don't you strike me." THen he held the scaple gun, like, less then a yard away and fired, it ended up missing me by inches, no joke, then he, points it right at me, and tells me to go to the car. I was scard, that in his temper, it might actually fire, so I did the first thing I could think of, I screamed bloody murder, trying to get someone's attantion, then I dodged past him, intot the house, crying, I really was scarred, still shaken up about it, but I still think I'll keep this to myself. Tonight was the opening of Barnom, and I messed up big time: first, one of the Techis asked for some help, and he said that he needed some help changing scenes after a song, and I was supposed to be changing Christen then, but I misread my script, but the result was that Mrs. Dubin snapped and me, and being still shaken up from earlier, just couldn't stop the tears, I kept them quite, thank god, and she lighted up, and was really nice to me the rest of the night. After that, I was hell bent of doing everything perfect, I had some time in between Heather's changes, and I was watching in the wings. It was the scene when Chairy dies, I thing, anywho, Braidy looked kinda out of it, so I was jokingly saying, "Ya look all sad." And I forgot what happened, but he stood up, and have me a friendly hug, then he turns it around into a tickle, and I'm really, REALLY tickleish, and I half collaps, but he cought me, then started tickleing me again, even though I covered my mouth, I still couldn't shut up all the giggles, then Mrs. Marks starts scolding us, saying, "Yuki you should know better!" Now looking back on it, I shouldn't have been that bugged by it, but this was the first time, in four years of theater, that I have ever been scolded by a parnet...now that I think about it, it really must of looked, well, flirty, though I don't that was what it was. I mean we started hanging out when he was a Freshman, and me a sixth grader, so I really doubt it; though there was that one thing in Lil'Abner, were Brittany (Moonbeam) found a note in her program, from Braidy asking her out, but they next had hung out before, and I had lost mine, but I really doubt that too. Anywho, the whole point is that, I got in trouble, and today sucked!!! Oh, I saw Brain Foster today, he's look'n good, he's growing out his hair agian!!! Yay! I love hair!!! But seriously, he has anime hair!!!! Really, he does!!!! And he's got an anime voice to go with it!!! Not to mention, he has the flawless face of an anime character *gasp!* That must be it! He really is an anime character, and somehow fell out of a manga!!! God, that would be kick ass, wouldn't it? Oh well, I've so tired, so I'm going to sleep now, Ja ne!
- - -Yuki