a post...

Jan 09, 2008 20:04

Long time and I haven't posted. This will end basic long fist with section 2 of staff.

Long Fist:

1. From the swallow balance, turn around and circle the left hand down toward the right side to the right arm in a palm block while the right hand circles up and down in a chop.
2. Transition and have the right hand circle again. Pick up the left leg and pivot. The right hand should palm strike behind and then pivot again to face behind from the swallow balance, and the left hand should do another palm strike.
3. Step down with left leg, step right leg and hop off it, winding up the arms for a cartwheel or aerial.
4. Do the cartwheel or aerial; left side dominant.
5. The way you face after ending the cartwheel, pivot around and face backward.
6. Swing the arms down from the right side, down, left side and up to end at the right side again in a double palm strike to the right side. During the swing, the right foot should step once, then the left foot should step behind and cross the instant the double palm strike hits.
7. Step out with the right leg into a left bo-stance. Right hand should palm strike forward toward what was the left side. Left hand should hook behind.
8. Lift and do a right leg standing outside crescent kick and back into the left bo-stance.
9. Just like the end of section 1, do a chop with right hand. Thread and block low behind with right hand. This time, sit into a drop-stance with the right hand coming up into flash palm and the left hand into a left hook behind.
10. Stand up, right leg to left. Circle the right hand down and to the left shoulder.
11. Step right and spear hand with right hand.
12. Step around and put the feet together again with the left foot. The left hand should do a spear but as the feet come together, change it to a hook grab.
13. Step around the right leg with the left. Jump off and do a giant leap with the palm strikes; left above and right to the right side.
14. Land on the right leg. Slide the left leg out into drop-stance. Pull the left hand to right shoulder. Right hand to waist.
15. Chop with the left hand and reach. Come up to a left bo-stance. Punch with the right hand.
16. Come up and face foward which was where the body was faced right. Do a hammer fist.
17. Circle the right arm up into flash palm. Circle it one full time up into another flash palm and pick up the left leg.
18. Go into empty stance by putting down the left foot. Punch out with the left hand keeping right flash palm.
19. Step back with left leg. Double chop to the neck with both hands.
20. Open up by dropping both arms and circling them around like in the end of 3rd long fist. Step back with right leg.
21. Push down with both palms at the waist level. Step together with both feet and look over left shoulder.

Staff, Section 2:

1. From the balance stance, bring the staff from underneath so it circles up and step down with left leg. Grip the staff with both hands.
2. Take 3 steps: right, left, right but you spin counterclock wise and do two giant swings.
3. Pause; Giant swing the other direction clockwise. Step around the left foot and spin back to forward. Giant swing directed at the legs so duck down and swing.
4. Jump up and do a slam into drop stance with right leg back.
5. Stand and pivot 360, drawing a straight line with the staff up and over the head. Go into a left bo-stance and cover staff by slamming the butt of the staff into the ground so it looks like a T.
6. Shift to right bo-stance and stomp the right foot and do a grab with the staff so it's on the right side.
7. Pick up the left foot and balance and raise the staff to block overhead.
8. Step down into right cross stance. Do 3 circles with the staff to provoke the enemy.
9. Step back right foot. Wind up for a giant swing. Step around front left foot and giant swing to the right so you spin around on.
10. Stomp the right foot at the end of the 1-spin cycle. Push out into a left bo-stance. Palm strike with left hand. Staff should be held behind the back at 45 degree angle with right hand.
11. Cloud over the head so it matches the stance.
12. Pull the staff to the left side of the waist and punch out right hand to the right side.
13. Circle the right hand up, right, down left and up to the right side and transition to horse-stance. Raise the staff with the left hand so it blocks overhead (though it looks like a pose).
14. Stand into a high empty with left foot forward. Bring the staff back to the left side of the waist at 45 degrees pointing angle up. Right hand should shoot up into a spear hand.
15. Step forward left, circle the butt end of the staff up so the right hand can grab it and circle it to the right side and step together right foot together, back to ready position.

Whew...that's a long entry.
More to come....
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