The State of the Miko

Feb 23, 2007 09:45

Since I hardly ever seem to post anything but fic anymore, and haven't done much of that this month, I've been pretty quiet. Figured I would let people know what I'm up to. ^_^

I've been concentrating mostly on original works recently, which is why you haven't been seeing much fanfic from me. I've been forcing myself to try the snowflake method, which originally sent me screaming in terror as I am a seat of the pants writer, but I figured I'd make myself try it just the once and see if it worked or not. I was sure that by the time I got to step 8 or 9 all the desire to write the story would have been sucked out of me... but actually I've found it's just the opposite, I'm even more excited to write than usual and I've already found ways around all the major problems that would normally hit me mid-draft. I'm going to fly through this draft, and without all the hang-ups and sudden characterization changes and detours away from anything resembling the real plot that would usually happen.

Outlining ahead of time has always been something I've resisted and hated doing, but I think that's because I've always been taught to start at the beginning and plot it out from there. That doesn't work for me, because I run into exactly the same problems I do when I'm writing the draft, ie I hit places where I have no idea what needs to happen, get lost and go wandering about on tangents, and eventually give up in frustration.

This method works a little differently, you're sort of expanding the story as a whole in stages like blowing up a balloon. It's not linear the way I was always taught outlines should be written. And now I know how to write a synopsis for proposal. ^_^

If anyone on my flist is a writer who finds themselves getting lost in their first draft or having to do way too much editing and rewriting afterwards to turn it into a tight story, try the snowflake. I've even chivvied Cnd into doing it, and she's more of a seat of the pants writer than I am. Which is saying something.

Anyway, that's what I'm up to... haven't written a single word of the story yet, but I'm at 16,662 words of planning and still two steps to go before the draft. *laughs*
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