Jan 16, 2006 12:19
So far, I'm sticking to my resolutions fairly well.
Since the New Year I've finished Foucault's Pendulum and read Neil Gaiman's Coraline and Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 and am currently reading Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. All of which are/were very interesting.
Havent been exercising more than the 2 football matches a week as I've been feeling a bit off colour, soon though.
Have been nicer, though I'm starting to get pissed off with my job and am considering quitting it. Not the job...just the management.
Application for my teaching qualification is going well so far, hopefully I'll get onto it as it seems to be my only way out from drudgery at the moment. It has been suggested to me that I could add a parallel course to help teach adults literacy too...they mustnt have realised that I have to use word spell check on everything that I ever type.
Went to see Brokeback Mountain on Saturday, would recommend it to absolutely anyone as its an incredibly powerful and moving film, you just need to get past the subject matter and its tabooness.
Found out that I'm going to be an Uncle as my older brother and his fiance are expecting. Bit concerned due to the fact that she is only 19 and a young 19 at that sometimes. But he seems happy, so I'm happy.
Will have been with my current girlfriend for 6 months on Wednesday. Must be some kind of record for me, I'm sure.