Jun 13, 2009 21:52
I dread the thunder T.T It's because we have to turn off our computers, internet and all when it thunders. I got scolded the last time for not turning off my computer right away. And I really love the rain, but when it does rain i feel sort of uncomfortable because if it rains, then there's a possibility that it'd be accompanied by yours truly, dreadful thunder. So I guess I can never really enjoy the rain when I'm using the computer anymore XD And chiqui asked me if the thunder rolls up in the hills. It does, it definitely does :C I was alone in the house one time and the thunder just started CRACKING *whips*!..and perfect timing before the thunder boomed I stared into a doll's face (a figurine near my computer) So the thunder cracked while I was face to face with the doll. It was a very weird, creepy, movie vibey~ experience!
Anyway, karla and chip slept over at my house. Chip slept over for 2 days wipee~ :)) And school's almost coming again..no more flu scare to "save" the students dreading with me. Enough of that. I just want to share a bit of how God continues to amaze me. I have choir practice on saturdays in church. And for the first time in a year of going to practice, I really did want to go to choir to worship the Lord. Like truly wanted to go. But it rained so hard, thunder, etc. And dad told me not to go anymore because of the flood, traffic, etc. But when he said that it was about 2 hours before practice time. So I prayed for the weather to calm down. And it really did by 5 with just light rain. Then parents thought about not letting me go because my sister was out somewhere from a sleepover and she said she's going to be stuck at her friend's house somewhere in mabolo for a while because of flood and traffic. So I sort of sang jokingly "God will make a way~" And mom said if I really wanted to go then just let the driver drive and not me. So I smiled, said goodbye and hurriedly rushed out the door. And I prayed that I wouldn't be caught in traffic..and amazingly God never failed me. The car zoomed by a bit of flood and the traffic was just happening under the bridge because we had to go over the bridge to get to church. And the car didn't stop for once all the way to church. God is indeed amazing!