Something other then the election

Nov 03, 2004 16:19

Even though it's obviously on my mind and I'm rather pissed about it there will be no politics here. Everything that can be said has and if you know me or even if you don't you know where I stand so, just forget it.

These people from the T.E.A.C.H. program came to school to talk to us about "accecpting" any one who's gay, lesbian, trans, queer etc. I think the teachers need to take it personally, and administration, they're the ones who can't accept even the simplest things. The gay-straight alliance at school had to be re-named as it was considered too contraversial by admin. Que fuck? It's become the rainbow society. '_' Atleast it's actually reconized as a society at school. They also wouldn't let the head girl a few years ago bring her girlfriend to the formal and she (the girlfriend) went to our school. I mean seriously people. It really won't affect you lives other then having a happier, possibly more accecpting student body. Oh wait.... is that what you really want? I'm sometimes unsure.

Today we got our absent report, and it lists female as your gender, not your sex. That is rather politically incorrect, which gender you more closely identify with and consider yourself is a matter of personal opinion. So we, Ali and I, went to the office and told them so. Mostly Ali, I'm not so big on the actually talking. Ms Weinstock said she'd gladly call the company who does all of that work and get every thing changed. ^.^ Greatest woman ever.

Some of the people doing the presintation gave us their stories. Two of them were transexuals, which by far was one of the best ideas our school has had ever; to have them come in. People have such strong steryotypes about transexuals that I was happy to actually meet someone willing to share an experience like that. I can honestly say I had never met someone who was trans. I am completely fascinated. Not in a weird or gross way, but because of what they're willing to sacrifice (some of them) to be happy, and who they are. They've motivated me to not only atleast want to be honest with my friends and family and everyone I meet, actually come out and tell people, but I want to join T.E.A.C.H. too. It's an awesome program, they did such a good job, well, in my opinion at least.

"Hi, I'm Bi and I have a girlfriend, please don't steryotype me" :P
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