The Harwood Legacy 1.0

May 14, 2008 03:30

Kevin Harwood
Family sim
LTW: Marry off six children
OTH: Music and dance

Our legacy starts off like most... with the study of the culinary arts...

Kevin: The spatula goes where?

The welcoming committee consisted of someone who thought it necessary to capture butterflies and leave them on Kevin's counter.

Kevin: Fly free little dudes!

Kevin: Hello genetic impossibility!

Pizza = Crack

After Kevin so kindly shared his crack pizza with his neighbors, they decided to play a rousing game of kicky bag.

Thankfully The game was cut short by a phone call.
Kevin: Go where with you? You sound at least one hundred years old... I bet this "group" you speak of is nothing but a bunch of old biddies who only go out for bingo night.

I made him go anyway.
Kevin: *grumbles*

Countess Beverly: Ckhiisssssssssssssssss

Kevin: Seriously, you have no chance at world domination.

Countess Beverly: *minus*

He came home at dusk to find this...

Kevin: Hello there boobs Pink Haired Raver Chick!

PHRC: Ugh. Do NOT want!

PHRC: Maybe if I knock the ugly out of him? *whack*

A cashier? Ick. This doesn't look promising...


I take that back... Wow.

Kevin: Hey baby, you can whack me anytime! ~__^

Hush, I thought his dancing to her singing was cute. :)

Aw, twu wuv. And their singing wasn't that bad.

Kevin: *sneezes*
PHRC: *rifting out one, rifting out two...*

Kevin: Uwah? Where'd she go?

Kevin is so hardcore, he sleeps in his own filth.

The next day, he invited Becky (PHRC) over for a Lady and the Tramp themed dinner party.

Kevin: Do you know the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow? *is trying to distract from the elbow in the spaghetti*

Kevin: What if the swallow was carrying this? *shoves arm further into food*

Becky: Is this?
Kevin: Hopefully she won't notice me scraping the spaghetti on the side of the table...

Becky: Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, omigosh!

Becky: Oh it's beautiful!
Kevin: Why won't this ^%#$* come off my arm?

Becky: *deep lovey sigh*
Kevin: I'll just wipe it on my pants!

They then proceeded to a shot gun wedding because I'm a lazy overlord.

Becky: With this symbol of my eternal love for you, I do thee wed.

Kevin: With this tracking device that allows for me to know where you are at any given time, I do thee wed.

Becky (Lexmark) Harwood
Pleasure sim
LTW: 50 dream dates
OTH: Tinkering

Becky: *pays homage to my minion the porcelain god*

I don't know whether she looks relieved or about to cry...

BOING! Teh shock, it is there.

Why does my brother make his female sims to be such whores?

~*~ The Garden of Fail ~*~

None of my sims have ever had a bird as a pet, so I wanted to see the kinds of interactions you could do with them. Kevin left the cage open and the bird flew out... yeah.

Sparkly cat is sparkly.
Kevin: Oooo Shiny!

Yeah, they got robbed. Apparently the "lock out all sims" option does not apply to NPCs.

Hee. :3

Wah la! The founder portrait by the lovely Becky.

Becky: *goes into labour*
Kevin: What is she yelling about?

This is Elessa. She has (I think) purple eyes, blonde hair, and her mom's skintone.

This is Mahtar. He looks just like his dad. I hope he's not a clone.

That is one unhappy baby.

Becky: *sings* Becky the builder, can we fix it? Yes we can! :D

Incompetent nanny follows in the path of green fumes equals hungry baby.

Birthday time for the twins! I was so excited that there would be a synchronized... What?

Kevin: Hey, Overlord, I can watch one baby while tossing the other in the air!

Becky then put Elessa down in order to hug RC Cola.

Becky: ho hum...

At least try to pay attention to the child you just tossed into the air?

Becky: Ew, it's bald.

Becky made this face promptly after turning fat.

Mahtar looks kinda odd, but cute?

Elessa is cute too. I love her nose. *twiks it*

Potty training time!

If Kevin were any more enthused, he'd explode.

This is pretty much the twins in a nut shell.

STOP THE PRESSES!!! A competent nanny!!

Seriously! She always stays in the same room as the twins even when they're just playing at the table.

RC Cola: *is high*

Moonpie: *has skills*

The competent nanny finds the antics of the kitties funny.

Mahtar: Why does Nanny look like she's part of a conspiracy?

Elessa: *proves the toddler table to be awesome*

Mahtar: KITTY! *chokes Moonpie*

I like for my spies to have a good vantage point of their surroundings.

Boom boom boom, let me hear you say "way-O!"

I wonder if cats show when they're pregnant, or if it's just the way she's arching her back.

In any case, when RC Cola had the kittens all hell broke loose because they




Becky: Congrats on your promotion, sweetheart. We should celebrate!

Kevin: Let's make video!

Kevin: But it won't be something they can put on TV.

Becky: Can there be spatulas?

Kevin: Of course! I know all about how to use spatulas!
Becky: *plus plus*

Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go 'round!

Kevin: This is for the fans. ;)

I missed the initial boing, so you get this.

To be honest, I wasn't expecting that from him.

Penguin: And then we went "OMG WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

Penguin: And then there was a big explosion!

Penguin: And let me tell ya, pal, my eggs were fried!

(Take those captions any way you'd like...)

Kevin looking serious on his way to work. Please to be ignoring the MILF in the background.

Aw! Young luff!

Mini Kitten spam because I want you to also die from the cute!

Mahtar digs for gold.

D'aw! The she-demon actually looks cute and innocent! ^__^

Thanks for reading! :D

I can't believe this took me two hours to do!

harwood legacy

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