Drank so much iced coffee I can feel it seeping out of my pores

Dec 07, 2007 09:13

• A
Are you available? I’m constantly in relationship limbo…and usually like it

What is your age? 24

Astrology? Scorpio

• B
Do you know anyone named Brian? I know a few people named Brian

When is your Birthday: 10/29/83

Ever been stung by a bee?: Not yet

• C
Whats your favorite candy? Starburst

What color is your computer?: Laptop-blue and silver

• D
Do you daydream?: All the time

What’s your favorite kind of dog? Chocolate lab

• E
Have you ever been in the emergency room?: Yes

Ever pet an elephant? Yep

Ever swam with sharks?: Nope

• F
Do you use fly swatters?: No, I’m one of those obsessive fly swatting freaks that uses the closest object

Is there a fan in your room?: yes, but I hate to be cool so it’s never on

Do you like Fall Out Boy?: GOOD GOD, YES…all I had to hear was Patrick sing part of Prince’s “Kiss” and I was in love.

• G
Do you chew gum? yep

Do you like gory movies?: absolutely

• H
How are you? Pretty great because it’s Friday and I have a full weekend planned

What's your height? I’m about 5 foot 8

What color is your hair? Brownish black

Have you ever ice skated? Nope

• J
Favorite Jelly Bean? Don’t like jelly beans

Do you wear jewelry? Always

Who do you want to kill? For once I can safely say “no one”

Have you ever flown a kite? yep

Do you think kangaroos are cute? sure

• L
Are you laid back? Most of the time

Lions or tigers? Tigers, of course

Do you like black licorice? Oooooh, nooooo

• M
Favorite store at the Mall? Old Navy

Favorite movie? Too many to name, but at the end of the day I probably have to say “The Matrix” or “Breakfast Club”

Do you have a nickname? : Mikki or Mik

Do you prefer night or day? Night, cuz all the freaks, stars and truth come out

• O
Are you an only child? Nope, one sis

Do you like the color orange? Eh, not much personally

• P
Do you know anyone named Penelope? Nope

Favorite flavor of popcorn? Carmel corn

• R
Do you think you're always right? LOL, most of the time

Do you watch reality TV? Yeah, I get hooked by all of the ridiculous characters. Right now I’m drawn to “A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila” and “Keeping Up with the Kardashians”. Totally pointless, poisonous mind candy

• S
Do you prefer sun or rain? Rainy days are great to me

Do you like snow? I hate being cold generally, but looking at it is kinda magical when you don’t see it often

• T
Time to go to sleep? Anytime that it’s warm and snuggly

Tomatoes? Ewwww, no

• U
Can you ride a unicycle?: LOL, nope

Do you know anyone with a unibrow? Not that I know of

• V
Did you ever watch Veggie Tales? Yep, my kid does and I pretend I’m not enjoying it as much as he is, but secretly I do

• W
What's your worst habit?: Isolating myself. I notice I only really do it as a tool to draw people to me rather than having to approach others first.

• X
Have you ever had an x-ray? Yes

• Y.
Do you like the color yellow? Yes, yellow is beautiful

Do you yell when you're angry? I get really, really quiet actually

• Z
Do you believe in the zodiac? Nah

Seven lasts:

7. last kiss: JOEL!

6. last dream: Can’t remember, but I think it was about Keith’s pool party

5. last beverage: Ice water

4. last phone call: Joel

3. last person to make you laugh: James

2. last time you cried: Last Friday when I was talking to Amber

1. last time you hugged someone: Yesterday
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