Title: Fight or Flight
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,292
Characters: Chuck/Sarah
Summary: As her world ceases to make sense, Sarah finds comfort in the most likely of sources. In the process, she realizes that some things are worth fighting for.
And that’s the real problem. Because no matter what she might tell herself, no matter how hard she might try to pretend like she’s only worried about the safety of others, a part of her is terrified that she’s going to lose him. )
***“Because,” he says calmly, taking a deep, slow breath, “It’s the right thing to do.”*** -leave it to Chuck to always to the right thing. lol.
I am pretty sure that I have now read all of your fics. This kind of leaves me in a bit of a pickle because well...I have now read all of your fics. There's nothing left to read. haha. guess you'll just have to keep adding more fic and I'll just have to keep coming back to read them.
Love your writing. I'm totally new to the world of chuck...I just reacently started watching the show and immediately went out and bought both seasons. I attacked them like I've attacked your writing...watched them all in like a week. now there's nothing left. If U was smart I would have planned a little better and watched them over this break until season 4, but I've discovered with Chuck that it's impossible to ever get enough.
I'm totally in love...sigh. lol
Again. Love you writing and I can't wait to read the masterpieces you are sure to come up with in the future. i'd love you become friends with you on here. I gave only written one fic so far, but I am planning a couple more. Do you Beta?
Have a great week!!!
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