Title: Strike the Light
Disclaimer: Don't own.
Fandom: Air Gear
Pairings: SanoKazu, EmilyKazu
Rating: PG
Notes: ...Beward of comma abuse? >>;
For a while, you play knight to your Princess Emily. You run, yes, because it's what you know best - run and carry her in the hopes of reaching some place safe. But the wolves chase after, so you try to fight back, in the only way you know how. You've always been the prey, making your marks where you can, trying to whittle them down. Survival first, always - you're not strong enough to move past that to hunt.
Except even the princess is so much stronger, so much more willed, and then you find yourself swept away by a knight in shining armor. And it's painful to find you're no knight but a peasant trying to capture the grace of royalty instead, and even as you admire him, Master of Time and so strong (even if he's an idiot otherwise), there's a bad taste in your mouth. In the end, you think, you're only good as a bystander, always running, the idea of a 'place' in this world but a dream.
You can't see yourself, so it comes as a surprise when Emily confesses, when Sano pushes you against a wall and asks you to think about the kiss he just gave. You probably would have chosen Emily once, with a stammered admittance that you'd crushed on her too, and you still might, now. Sano catches your eye though, through sheer presence alone, and between your dedication to AT (Ikki - he never looked any where but forward) and guilt at indecision, you say sorry to both.
They don't give up, either of them. (Relief? A second chance.) It's an endless waltz, awkwardly danced by the three of you. So much hangs on you.
You run, and run, because it's familiar, and maybe if you run long enough, you can finally find an answer.
For you, time stops.