Title: Relativity
Disclaimer: Don't own.
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Pairing: YamaGoku
Rating: PG-13
Notes: PROBABLY SO OOC IT'S NOT FUNNY. Butuh. Dunno? Just read it?
There was a dull thump coming from the other side of the wall.
If it hadn't been for that... well, perhaps it might have taken slightly longer for Tsuna to realize that Yamamoto and Gokudera had been gone for a long time. But now that he was no longer focusing on the homework, he could hear low, tense voices coming from just outside the room.
"And you think just like that, you're better suited to be the 10th's right hand?" Gokudera's voice.
(They'd long lost track of their original intents in the aim to see who was better, who would win this round or maybe once and for all. "Wouldn't it be better if the right hand man had strength?" Gokudera's back jarred as it hit the wall, Yamamoto's hand pinning one shoulder as the other blocked any possible escape maneuver.
Gokudera sputtered for a moment before recovering. "What, that's all? And you think just like that, you're better suited to be the 10th's right hand?" He jerked Yamamoto's chin downwards and bit, hard enough to draw blood. "What's strength if you don't know how to use it? And who's the smarter one, huh?")
Tsuna had to admit to being slightly alarmed by now, because fights meant explosions and blood and pain and even if it weren't so, they were both friends of his. But the voices had stopped, and now there was a groan? something muttered that sounded suspiciously like 'so that's the way you play, huh? How 'bout this?' and then a shaky 'you bastard'. Definitely worrying.
So he peeked outside the door, was about to stage an - admittedly weak - intervention, except. "Uh."
Yamamoto waved with his free hand, the other currently oddly obscured beneath the waistline of Gokudera's school pants. "Oh, Tsuna, hey."
"This guy's a cheating bastard. Cheating."
"And who bit first, huh? Ah, Tsuna! I was supposed to go find homework help, right? Sorry, sorry." Tsuna wondered whether either of them realized exactly what the whole situation looked like, and decided he didn't really want to know.
"Um, sorry for interrupting you I'lljustgobacktomyhomework."
"Hey 10th, I'll help you then!" And just like that, Gokudera shoved Yamamoto away, tagging behind Tsuna as he lit up a cig. Much to Tsuna's relief, it seemed things were back to normal again.
Relative normality.