May 08, 2004 16:51
Well dear readers, I think I might spoil you this week with an excess of updates. Anyway, had some thoughts on a subject you read about from time to time but I actually seldom actually talk about it, I don't know if it is taboo or not, but it has been coming up more and more. Think to yourselves and ask how many people you know are on a medication for some sort of thought control? Whether it be an A.D.D. person to bi polar. I have found myself giving advice from time to time to those I think might benefit from said such medications, and I am wondering if it is as sound as it seems. A friend recently had a very good point when I suggested to him that he might want to consider some sort of thearopy with medication. He said "That we live in a pretty fucked up world and I think its Tokay that I feel fucked up about it." Well there it is. So now the question I ask myself is how much of that is really rationalized. I mean in after thought while I do agree, but how often should we allow these feelings to control our everyday mood. I think that qualifies as obsessive when it keeps you from being happy with yourself and those around you who are not trying to do anything but love and support you. But there is another angle I have on this from another friend who already has some experience with the psychiatric hospitals and their wicked wicked ways. I say wicked cause though I know them to be helpful in a vast way, I also hold a little resentment. You see I grew up in a time where the "different" kids or what would be later called alternative, you know those party types in the eighties. Well the problems usually were tied to the parents inability to cope and manage or even talk to their children. And hospitals were all over it. They had places go up every where. And were more than willing to take in these kids and lock em up for about a month or so and feed their folks full of shit about all the psychotic issues their kids were having. When in reality the kid was sent there by his parents because they found out he/she was smoking pot. HELLO! Ground them yet, put them in a hospital and have seven doctors tell them all the things that are wrong with them, at a time they feel the most judged which is being a teenager, and then diagnose the behavior as anything but a hormonal teenager acting out. Which is all it was. Now I am not intentionally over generalizing here, I know that some of those kids really did need it, but I had alot of friends who absolutely did not and if anything these places caused more psychiatric problems than solved. That happens when you treat someone for something they don't have, they may develope it for themselves as a result. Now this other friend of mine who actually would benefit from these treatments and seeing a councilor. But her point was this when it came to being on meds for mind control and focus. "I don't want to be told that my thinking is totally wrong and that in order for me to think right for the rest of my life I am going to have to take these drugs. Drugs are meant to treat and then solve the problem where after less and less dosages you are eventually off them." While this is true in some cases, it is not true in all. Take for example HIV. That is a disease which is "treated" not cured, but by being treated it is able to be controlled but not eliminated. I believe that many of our psychosis' work in exactly that same way. There is a very good reason why some people believe that psychiatry is not an actual science. Though I only slightly agree, I do feel that it is still a science, they just cannot apply things like laws, and such the way you can with traditional science and medicine. Very much a case to case basis. But we are dealing with the brain here folks, just cause we do not know the laws and facts behind it does not mean they are not there. So lets give it some time before we totally throw out the whole process. Now I know I am blathering a bit and kind of going all over the place, but hey it is what I do. *grin* But the point is, I feel that these things should be dealt with heads on. Pride needs to be separated and rationality needs to be applied. Call a duck a duck and a goose a goose. If you think you might benefit from treatment, at least investigate it, and if you are afraid of the long term effects, research, see how things have gone with other patience. More so I want your opinions Dear Readers. What do you think and do you have any theories or stories to share? How do you think this relates to kids today and adults for that matter, would you take a drug that helped keep you in check? Do you think you yourself might benefit. Let me start this thread by saying that I know for a fact that I would and keep putting it off because I am a procrastinator. But it will be something that I take on with in the next month. Let me know and keep those synapses firing!
Peace, Love and Chocolates,
TYPE HARD!!!!!!!