Rating: PG-13
Characters: Sam
Pairing: gen / no pairing
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys, I don't own the car and I will give them back as soon as I'm finished with them.
Word Count: ~3.000
Summary: For the second time in my life I'm forced to become someone that I'm not, Sam-the-hunter is slowly being rebuilt into Sam-the-demon and no matter how
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Sam spent those months in his own form of hell, complete with demons, pain, and the knowledge that it was never going to end... that this was his exsistance now. and forever.
and while my heart breaks for Dean, coming back from that, the fact that Sam never opened his mouth, never put that extra burden on dean when he came back, even though he was drowning in it...that just kills me. And every time I heard dean confessing his pain, basically begging Sam to fix him (when he did it to himself) my heart broke *for Sam*- because he couldn't, because he would want to, because he was just as fucked up as dean, because Sam never made it back from Hell. Even sitting together, when Dean was crying on the impala, Sam was looking at him from his own personal hell. And, in a lot of was, Sam's still there.
Okay, sorry, too much talking, and you already know how I feel about this stuff. ;) Good job pulling it all back up again. ;)
Anyway, I don't think I'd write something like this, now, two years after the fourth season, but it's nice to see where my head was at that time, brings back a lot of memories...
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