Trudging along

Apr 26, 2006 23:14

Well I had an interesting last few weeks. My sociology class has been a huge catch up job now! It was fun to see some of the other students in the class point out that this has been one of the most demanding online classes they had ever taken - and here I thought it was just me! So in the last month, I've been working at the good ol' DPPD, finished coaching with the Eagle Rays', went to Camp Edwards, injured my shoulder, started working on pools including Chelsea Cove and Mystic Waters.

So I guess I'll start on my most recent rant - I just receieved my grade back from my third sociology paper and I got a C+. C+??? This paper felt like it was the best. It was on educational inequalities. It's times like this when I feel like I'd be a worthless writing teacher when I can't even formulate ideas well for a college class! To date my best paper was written on the beaches of Florida. How ironic is that!? I can't wait until this class is done and I can transfer the class down to ISU and get my degree finally and close this chapter in my life. It is like pulling teeth to get this done.

So taxes suck too. I still didn't get a W-2 from Olympia and it keeps getting lost in the mail supposedly. Arg. I paid for the extension - we'll see how long this takes.

The Eagle Rays' called me and said they no longer needed my services. I guess when none of the high schoolers wanted to continue their spring season they got a little pissed. Warrior Swim Club will be up and runing soon enough - I'm kind of glad the Eagle Rays' are done with me. THought I find it funny because I don't think they know that Maine West is not going to be welcoming them back in the fall. Still working on the Ducks too - gotta get that ready for the summer. Still don't have coaches selected, though I think I know who they will be. THis will just be a very interesting summer indeed.

I also went to Camp Edwards with St. Mary School (Ron's school). That was fun, it was camp in the spring with a bunch of Catholic School kids. They were good loads of fun - I taught archery. I never imagined how hard it'd be to teach the flippin' lesson to kids who just wanted to shoot the arrow! My class took the full 90 minutes of time that we were allowed per session, so I was the only teacher always pressed for time to finish my lesson, but the kids got the answer and did well. I taught my cabin group the game Mafia. They loved playing it so much that I fell asleep on the last night early and I found out the next morning that they played until 2:30am! O well, they were all returned home alive and well.

So that brings me to the pools. It is so exciting to be getting to our pools! I started Mystic Watesr and Chelsea Cove. Chelsea cove basically told me to have fun and make any improvement that I need to make. They're spending $50,000 on redoing the deck and pool surface - something I never said that was what they watned. So I'm working on redoing some of the lines and hopefully still trying to get my chemical system in - - - Right now I have prep the pool for construciotn - which includes draining it (and praying it doesn't float away) as well as cleaning up the filter room a bit. I think I'm going to move some of the pipes and electrical around in the filter room. It will really start getting busy with pools soon because we will start painting Mystic Waters and I'm still charged with checking pu on the contractors for Chelsea Cove. Thankfully CC contractors will only work weekends, I'm just praying they get things done on time! We have to be open by Memorial Day.

So I guess I get to the real meat of what some of you were waiting for. . .The how Mike was a dumbass and injured his shoulder. So it all started as Katie and I were rollerblading on a path by her house. We camp up to this steep hill and she goes "you better not go fast down that." So of course cocky me knows that I won't have an easy time at this, goes full speed down the hill (mostly showing off) but of course I haven't been on rollerblades in a long time and after this trip down the hill, I won't be going on rollerblades much either. Turns out I hit a rock or stick or something and I'm tumbling down the asphalt hill. I tucked into a ball so that I wouldn't break my arm and break my neck and I flip over. In the process, I take a direct impact on my right shoulder - and as it turns out I sprained my AC joint. Basically a really painful injury. I went to my family doctor that Monday after doing lots of icing and wearing a sling and he told me that I just have to manage the pain and that it will heal slowly - if the pain is still there after two weeks, then I can have a cortozone shot and then he will look at other options. Only problem is other options quite aren't options because I don't have very good insurance - so things like MRI's which is what they use for this kind of injury is around $1,000 which my insurance wont' cover. . . So this might be a long summer of pain until I find a real full-time job. In the meantime, I am just praying this is a Grade I or II shoulder dislocation. For now I finally got rid of enough pain I can start rotating my shoulder again. I can feel the joint and it still feels bad. Good news is the swelling is gone, bad news is, so is the muscle. I have no muscle on my right shoulder - so I can't even lift books with my arm. So now it's on to some "rehab" to build my msucle back up - injuries suck!

Amazingly enough, student teaching ended one year ago in two days. I can't believe it's been a year already. Quite crazy - I wonder how life is in good ol' Peoria, eh maybe i dont want to know.

Peace out,
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