Yea, I'm still alive!

Jan 30, 2006 01:23

Amazing how much I've gotten done in the last day . . . I think this has been the most productive weekend I've had since student teaching. I did a paper, read two chapters, and did my responses for my sociology. Now I just gotta finish my paper and work on the next section. Arg, never falling behind again. Yea for livejournal. So everyone is probably asking "how was the date" - - - Well I suppose I'll have to be good considering there are eyes all over the place. So I met this girl Katie who I've known through online talking about swimming and scuba diving. Well to catch people up to speed, I met her a dive shop event when I took my friend Sammy to try scuba. So Katie and stare at each other (at least I did anyway) trying to figure out where I knew her from. I knew her as Kasia, her Polish version of her name, so I dismissed her as being her the minute someone called her Katie. Anyway to make a long-story, medium legnth, I figured out it was her and immediately emailed her going "dude, I think we've met." So we went out last Friday as kind of a hang-out. We went to Enchanted Castle, it was fun . . . The place was dead - so on Friday nights, go there. We played Laser Tag and I was THE BLUE TEAM and she was the GREEN TEAM. I emphasize THE TEAM because we were the only two playing - that's how dead it was. So anyway, we hung out and talked alot and that's where we shall leave it. I like her (and she knows it) so we will see where it goes from here. I mean we may find out we can't stand each other but I guess that's the beauty of getting to know each other. Although I keep thinking in the back of my mind how much fun it would be to actually have a girlfriend for Valentine's Day. It's been a while - I think my biggest thing this year though is I'M NOT STUDENT TEACHING!

Speaking of student teaching, I've come to some crossroads again because there are so many opportunities that are cropping up for me - from everything such as swim team to teaching to coaching - just crazy things are strating to happen . . . I think at this point, I'd get my tongue chopped off if I went too much into detail becuase there are some sensitive issues involved, but for me. . . I need I think I need to decide if I'm ready for teaching. . . My quick answer is "no" but I think I will start subbing next fall. I honestly don't think I'm ready to do it yet. And I have several people who I think will appreciate me saying this, since I don't have the desire, I don't feel like I belong in the classroom in front of them. I am getting closer though - I do miss the interaction with the kids.

I mean I do love it at the park, but the slaps on the hand are getting rediculous. You cant even speak your mind without getting nailed because the people who really need to hear what you have to say, don't care. So why should I battle it like it's a full-time job and I'm getting paid full-time. It's not worth it, I have bigger fish to fry. I'm going to start going in, doing my job, and leaving. And I will do what I need to do to get the job done - I even put that into play this weekend. Someone locked an electrical panel again, and we don't have keys. Well I figure no one will ever know if I just RIP the panel right off the wall so i could get to the switches - fear not I put it back together. . It's just annoying that there is someone out there on a powertrip that they feel they need to lock a box that has not been locked in the last 30 years and with out any incident either - mind you. I think people are smarter than that to go and put their hands in an electrical panel box.

OOooo, before I forget, I've been so lost (in a good way) planning my trip to Florida with my friend Stasia. We are going to have a blast doing nothing but scuba diving. We're gonna drive down and fly back and she is so gung ho about diving as I am so March 5 wont' come fast enough for me! We're gonna start at Ginnie Springs which is this large spring that kinda goes into a cavern that we dive through, then we're gonna go to Devil's Den (a underground spring - Florida is famous for that). . . Then maybe off to Crystal River to dive with the manetees, but I hear the conditions arent the best there now - so otherwise we do some shark teeth diving in Sarasota, a couple of boat dives off Clearwater and hopefully I get to dive my grotto that I want to - It's like a large sink-hole but it's deep and someone doesn't want to go deep. . . arg!

Oh well - hopefully we have another good week - I think it's gonna get better :)

Peace out,
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