Title: 100 Moments in the Lives of Arthur & Guinevere
Pairing: Arwen
Rating: T, or PG-13 to be safe
Genre: General/Romance
Summary: One hundred sentences describing different moments in their lives over the course of their relationship. Just my interpretation of how some key moments would occur in the show if it were to go that far. 10 chapters, 10
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In regards to your comment. I believe people are entitled to their opinion and what not, but there is no need for them to get so nasty. That's why I stay away from the youtube comment sections. It's all Bradley fangirls and some Merthur fans who come and try to insult not only Gwen, but the woman playing her. Honestly, what has she ever done? From all the interviews I've seen she's a really nice person. Bradley's a guy so he's bound to say something stupid every now and again. There was an interview where he said he wanted more attractive girls to come to camelot. I was thinking 'what if Angel happens to read this??'
It makes me so angry sometimes, but then I remember that she's beautiful and wonderful in her role. Not everyone is going to like you especially when there are both jealous and racist people out there. You can't win over everyone. I just hope she knows she has adoring fans who love her and think she's brilliant. That's all anyone can ask for really. The rest of them can just snuff it for all I care.
Tripe indeed.
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