Title: Love Looks not with the Eyes
Author: Miki-hime
Rating: T, may change to M if I feel up to it.
Characters/Pairing: Arthur/Gwen, Gwen/Lancelot (in the beginning), Merlin/Freya, Merlin/Morgana?
Word Count: 53,371 (Total)
Genre: AU, Adventure, Romance
Disclaimer: This is purely for fun, not for profit. Don't sue me, it's a waste of your time.
Summary: For Gwen, being a girl was hard enough. Being a girl pretending to be a man to get enlisted into the army? Impossible.
Author's Note: I've decided to make this 30 chapters instead of 40 because I don't want the story to drag on too long. I'm aiming for 120,000 words. If inspiration really hits, and soon, I'll make it 40 chapters. Any comment or review you can offer is greatly appreciated!
“You don’t have a single weapon on you and you’re wearing nothing but a dressing gown. Did you even think this through?”