Jun 19, 2008 22:28


Bam got a private jet to take to Finland for something special for everyone. It was nice.

Mady came up to talk to Ville. “hey dad, I am sorry for earlier I am being safe” Mady said. Ville smiled. “I realized you are growing up. He seems like a nice guy and 13 might not be too young to fall in love, just be smart like I know you are” ville said. Mady gave him a big hug and went back to hang with her friend and siblings. “awe that was sweet” you said and gave Ville a kiss.

Finally the Jet landed in Helsinki Finland and you all got off. The kids have been there many times now. Their friends haven’t this will be their first time. Jussi was there to greet everyone along with Linde, Burton, Gas and Mige. It was nice weather so the kids want to sleep in tents outside at night when they could.

Everyone went out to party the first night there. Ville and you let the kids all go out to have fun around the area at night. There was some cool nightlife in the area. Mady’s cell phone beeped while they were at the house yet and she started smiling after looking at it. “ awe Orlando sent a romantic message to Mady” Bam said reaching for the phone. “No you can’t see” Mady said playing around. Bam started chasing her for the phone. “hey Ville don’t you want to know what he sent your daughter?” Bam asked Ville. Ville thought for a second. You playfully hit Ville. “leave her alone you guys” you said laughing. Mady went in the other room to call him.

A hour later the kids were out checking out the area at night. Bam and crew will start filming the movie tomorrow. The kids have small parts in the movie. Everyone Bam knows is. The kids stayed out till Midnight then came home. Jordy woke up early and got everyone up. “why don’t we get Bam before he gets us” Jordy said smiling. Mady giggled. “you read my mind” she said. Everyone snuck inside to where Bam was sleeping. Gabby quietly opened the door and peaked in. Meks was sleeping with Bam in the bed. Gabby quietly got Meks up and out of the way. Blake and Milo snuck in the room and flipped the mattress with Bam on it.

Bam woke up and got out from under the mattress and was chasing everyone around now. The kids where all laughing. Bam was chasing Jordy now who ran behind her dad. “what am I in the middle of now” Ville asked. “they flipped the mattress over with me on it” Bam said trying to get them yet. Finally he stopped and started laughing. “you kids have been hanging around me too much that was good, now the war is on” Bam said laughing.

Everyone got cleaned up and ate breakfast and it was time to start filming. The kids watched some then they went sightseeing since they are not in the film today yet. The kids love to video tape everything they do. Cara loves to film the most but they pass it around and take turns having fun. It’s beautiful in Finland there. “wow I can move here” Briana said. Bam and friends are having a blast filming this new movie of his.

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