i went to baltimore last weekend, and BEN GAVE ME CRABS...
... the kind you eat (sickos)!!!!
for those who can't read good *ahem*cough*tracee*cough* ... i present to you:
pictorials (courtesy of ben's pretty camera).
i think new york is going to take a backseat. for some reason, this time around DC was a lot more beautiful! neighborhoods like adam's morgan, museums (mark rothko made me damn giddy), and the exceptional company made the trip as beautiful as a shakespearean summer's poem.
i don't think words and pictures can thoroughly encapsulate the immense feeling of bliss that i get as i reminisce!
gigantic thanks to:
benlbr --- for driving me around, for almost killing me 10203434214 times, for burning me to death with the lack of AC, for exposing me to the crazy cyclist by the lack of blinds, for your running man, for spinach and porridge, for more spinach and porridge, and just for ..... everything!
jenax --- i love love! do you love love? LOVE! hey, your razor really saved the day!!! :)
awesome people rock my socks.
if you're dying for more pictures, check out
benlbr's and
jenax's journals.