It's trouble that makes the monkey chew on hot peppers.

Dec 19, 2010 14:00

Title: Jalapeño
Author: Mikhala_c
Rating: PG
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: 5x19
Warnings: None really.
Word Count: 492
Summary: From a prompt I saw once asking what it would have been like if Gabriel had taken another angel with him into his Trickster witness protection program.

He’d almost staked the trickster when a hand caught his arm and squeezed just hard enough to warn him of an immanent break. He stared into the bright blue eyes of the College Librarian in shock. “Excellent timing, bro.” Dean spared a glance up at the conceited sugar fiend of the day before focusing back on the demigod (Gorgeous demigod. Shut up brain!) that still had a hold of him.

Fuck….what were they suppose to do with two of them?

“I’d hate for you to kill my brother and ruin how much I enjoy your company, Dean”

Oh god, the way Cas Brier said his name was enough to have the whole evening in the stacks come flooding back. He could feel his skin heat as soon as he thought about it and swore for the second time to never tell Sam how he’d found all that information on the school records and employment history.

If they survived this.

He couldn’t help but flinch when Cas lifted his hand and snapped his fingers. When no sudden violence occurred he hazard a quick glance around to find Sam and Bobby getting to their feet unharmed and unmolested by the other trickster’s summoned monsters. “Cas?” He couldn’t help the bit of hope in his voice, maybe Cas was as good a guy as he’d seemed.

“Yes, Dean?” And there was the head tilt that seemed to do funny things to his chest.

“Are you doing what I think you are?”

Cas smiled and pulled on his arm hard enough that despite the awkwardness of the seats digging into his thighs he was pressed chest to chest with the demigod. The viselike grip on his arm loosed and the hand curled around the back of his neck. He could hear Sam gasp behind him and figured the whole plan for not talking about the smoking hot librarian turned monster was out of the question. “That depends. I’m saving the day and..” The words dropped off as the blue gaze focused down on his lips. “Giving you a taste of your own medicine.”

Before Dean could work those words over in his brain chapped lips were sealed over his in a way that was hot, wet, and so sinfully good. He heard the hysterical laughter of the other trickster followed by another snap.

When Sam hauled him back onto his feet from where Cas had left him sprawled across the theatre chairs all he could think about was lean body under that ridiculous coat and how good it felt when…

Dean had a moment of clarity to look back and forth between Bobby and Sam’s shocked and confused faces. The knowledge that they’d seen, let alone heard, everything was a new level of embarrassment. On top of that the bastard had left without a goodbye.

This must be what those chicks in the movies always felt like when the hero rode off into the sunset.

“Aw crap.”

pairing: dean/castiel, type: fic, rating: pg

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