
Mar 27, 2010 20:01

So I was talking with my mother the other day while we were in Wal-Mart together. She was going through the section of Saints' candles looking for St.Francis. (which they do not carry, sadness) I was just looking for the heck of it and I found the candle for St. Michael which got me thinking; Michael is the Prince of heavens armies and all that, but the Bible specifically calls Gabriel the Left- hand of God. So I had to wonder why he doesn't have his own prayers and candles etc.

So like all curious kids I posed the question to my mom.

Her answer: Sweetheart, He's God's assassin.  (WTF? >_> I missed that in sunday school)

I asked her if the Pope had a red phone in the Vatican when he needed to call heaven's ninjas.

She smacked me upside the head for being mouthy.

Anyway, there you go. Gabriel, the ninja assasin of God.

brain rot

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