Here are pics of us, taken before and after we left for "Dracula's Ball" in Philadelphia. The outdoor ones were shot at approximately 6:45 pm, the indoor ones at 2:35 a.m.
The funny thing is, I'm not exactly sure why they are so dark. My parents both had brown eyes, but my mother's were a medium brown, and my father's were almost hazel, a kind of horn colour. My sister Aileen has violet "Elizabeth Taylor" coloured eyes, and my sister Robin's are very much like Carmilla's. I've been told I have a tendency to stare, but maybe that's my being an artist and voyeur!
Apparently i got mine from my dad although all 3 of us kids got blues,, I think mine might also be the bluest and darkest,, but by the same token my are also the most broke for want of a better word,, bro has 20/20 vision and sisters eyes arent too bad,, specs just for reading. But even with that and all the hell i've gotten for the specs over the years and the inconvenience,, I'm not sure I'd swap them.... {Shrugs}
I always said you have very pretty blue eyes. Actually, most of the Drac Packers have blue eyes, stunning. You, Nat, Tanya, and of course Carmilla. I always wanted black hair and blue eyes myself, I think that's the most stunnig combination. Have you ever seen pictures of Maila "Vampira" Nurmi? She has the most gorgeous looking eyes. I'm not sure if they're blue or green or what have you. My friend Nancy met her, and said they were a greenish colour. Maila was a natural blonde, so her Vampira hair was a wig. Oliver Reed also had some beauts.
Yes, I have to drop Tanya a line myself. Oh BTW, David picked up a real jaw-dropper DVD at the convention. It's called "The Living Corpse". It's an adaptation of "Dracula", and was made in Pakistan. It makes the Mexican horror films look TAME. And one scene was copied, shot-for-shot (and even used the same music) as the Hammer "Horror of Dracula". Harker meets the "vampire woman", and she goes into this DANCE(!), then attacks him, and then Drac bursts in, tosses a sack (presumably a baby inside) at her, then runs off. Our jaws were on the floor. We have to watch the entire film one night, but from what we saw, it was a total camp.
Pakistani DraculamikhailvNovember 3 2005, 16:48:14 UTC
From the little we watched, it certainly does! It seems that dancing is a big thing in Indian and Pakistani cinema, hence the 'seduction dance' by the vampire woman in the film.
Apparently i got mine from my dad although all 3 of us kids got blues,, I think mine might also be the bluest and darkest,, but by the same token my are also the most broke for want of a better word,, bro has 20/20 vision and sisters eyes arent too bad,, specs just for reading. But even with that and all the hell i've gotten for the specs over the years and the inconvenience,, I'm not sure I'd swap them.... {Shrugs}
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