Jun 20, 2015 14:43

Послезавтра - конференция Центра гуманитарных инноваций в Даремском университете, 22 июня 2015. Последняя со мною в качестве директора Центра


Centre for Humanities Innovation Durham workshop:
The Emerging Humanities: Strategies for the Future.
Monday 22nd June 2015, IAS Seminar Room & Meeting Room

The Durham Centre for Humanities Innovation (CHI) was founded to foster intellectual creativity in scholarship and research; and to encourage the creation of new ideas, concepts, mental schemes, and other products of intellectual imagination. This workshop is a follow-up to the international conference Beyond Crisis: Visions for the New Humanities, July 7-8 2014, organised by CHI. At this workshop we will explore the IAS 2014/15 theme, ‘Emergence’, as applied to the emergence of new ideas, approaches and disciplinary trends in the humanities. Each speaker will be allowed 30 minutes for her or his presentation followed by 10 minutes for discussion.

9.00. Arrival. Tea and coffee will be available.
9.30. Professor Mikhaik Epstein, Director, Centre for Humanities Innovation. Introductory remarks.
9.40-11. Session 1. Biology, Evolution and the Humanities

Chair: Nick Roberts

Dr. Jamie Tehrani, Department of Anthropology
Chains, Trees and Traditions: Experimental and Evolutionary Models for the Humanities.

Dr. Gerald Moore, MLAC (French)
Cultural Studies as Artificial Selection

11-11.20. Coffee
11.20-12.40. Session 2. Theology and Digitality
Chair: Gerald Moore
Joshua L. Mann, Research Fellow in Biblical Literacy & Digital Theology
From Scrolls to Scrolling: Making the Most of Shifting Modes of Scholarly Communication

Peter Phillips, FHEA, Director and Research Fellow in Digital Theology
CODEC Research Centre
NEuroCoDiTy - A North European Collaboratory for Digital Theology

Lunch 12.40 -1.40.
1.40-3.40. Session 3. Science, Cognition and the Humanities
Chair: John O'Brien

Professor Tom McLeish, Department of Physics
The Sciences as Humanities: Refusing to Recognise the Two Cultures Paradigm
Professor Mikhail Epstein, MLAC, Director of CHI
The Role of Inventions in the Humanities

Dr. Kathryn Banks. MLAC (French)
Reading Literature with the Cognitive Sciences: Case Studies of Metarepresentation and Sensorimotor Resonance.

3.40-4. Tea.

4-5.20. Session 4. Digital Humanities

Chair: Mikhail Epstein

Professor Claire Warwick, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research).
Life, Death and the Present Participle; or, Digital Humanities on the S Curve.

Dr Claire Bailey-Ross, Department of English.
A ‘New’ Space for Innovation and Experimentation? Taking Digital Humanities Outside of Academia

5.30 - 6.15. Wine reception

All are welcome. Free registration, lunch and refreshments.
To register (no charge), please email

conference, humanities, future

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