And now, time for my approximately-once-a-year post:
Green and Libertarian Presidential Candidates to Demand Ohio Recount: Go read it.
We should be thankful for these other-party candidates. They've officially noted that they will push for a recount of Ohio, upon confirmation of funds available to do so (donations needed!).
I've just donated $50 each to both campaigns toward this recount, as well as $50 today towards I recommend that any other American here (or our brothers and sisters in the world community who acknowledge that we're all in this together) put up as much as they can afford for this effort. We need to find out what happened in this election, and do what is necessary to prevent it from happening again.
This may be as close as we'll get to a fair result. Who knows how long the government checks into voting fraud from this year will take to come to fruition?
Please - it doesn't matter who you voted for; unless you want to assure that some votes don't count, you need to do your part and make sure this recount happens. Please donate.
David Cobb - Green Party [
donate here! note "ohio recount" in the comments box! ]
Michael Badnarik - Libertarian Party [
donate here!]
Put this on your journals. Please. Get the word out.