Im Amazed by You

May 07, 2005 12:00

My child, my everything
My beautiful servant, my friend
My unique creation, my beloved
My treasure, my joy
My heir, my obsession

My masterpiece, I AM amazed by you!
No matter what you do
I still love you
You are always treasured
I hold you above all things
You are always protected
I'll keep you safe in my arms
You are loved
You are cherished
You are holy
You are pure
You astound me

My little one
As you stand before me, I see you without fault
You are blameless
I love you so much
And that will never change
I loved you yesterday
I love you today
And I will ALWAYS love you
Through rough and smooth
Through thick and thin
Through wrong and right
Through pain and joy
Through old age and youth
Through ugliness and beauty
I will always be there
I will always care
To me, you are always beautiful
I will always hug you
I will always cry with you
I will always dance with you
I will always carry you

You are my totally loved child
I look in your heart, and you amaze me
Your are my child
My masterpiece
My little one
I made you with my own hands
I made every feature with thought and love
I gave you everything you are
Nothing was a mistake
I planned it all
You are perfect
Exactly made to play a key role in my plan
I know you sometimes struggle
You sometimes mess up
But I don't care
That is why I died for you
Because I love you
I made you free
White as snow
You are beautiful, in every way
I love you for you
I love everything about you
The good, the bad, and the ugly
The happy, the sad, and the rough
You are mine
Nothing will ever change that

I love you who sweats
You who gets nervous
You who cries
You who messes up
You who has impure thoughts
You who hurts
You who is poor
You who is weak
I love YOU
I'm amazed by YOU
Be who you are
Who I made you to be
Be my treasure
My child
My love
My servant
My everything

Just a little message from God to you, His totally loved child. And every word of it is true. That is why He died for you. He loves you. Despite all you do. Even when your sins were holding Him on a cross, He said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34 NIV) He was not just saying this to the Roman soldiers, He was forgiving all of us for our sins, which is why He was hanging there. Wouldn't that suggest that He loves you more than anything? He forgave you as what you did was nailing Him on a cross. He loves you. He sees the imperfect person you are as perfect.

"yet now He has brought you back as His friends. He has done this through His death on the cross in His own human body. As a result, He has brought you into the very presence of God, and you are HOLY and BLAMELESS as you stand before Him WITHOUT A SINGLE FAULT." (Colossians 1:22 NLT)

Have a great day and know that you are loved!

In Christ,
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