Jan 31, 2007 19:50
so i started school in january. its wierd cause i feel like RIP van winkle. i mean its been two years since ive been at macomb but it feels like just yesterday,or something. i like my classes and stuff. i feel myself being a little lazy tho. i need to put the cabash to that quickly. im doing really good so far,but then its only been a month. i have a killer exam on monday and wednesday. french and medical term. so that will be interesting. umm what else is new? i stopped trying to find a job for now,im gonna concentrate on school i think. at least for this semester at least. umm what else? love life is ok. kind of stagnant. i have a girl i think i really like but im not sure. i mean i love her sense of humor. and we love the same movies and shit. but thats all i know about her so far. that and GREYS! big points there. its funny but who knows how its going or whatever. i just dont think im not gonna get desperate anytime soon or anything cause i always get hurt when i get my hopes up so ill just see where this goes. so good so far. who knows how she feels about me tho,thats where i usually strike out,lol. but well see. thats about it for now,but ill try updating more later or something.