Lastnight "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott, Guitarist for the Metal band Damageplan, and formerly of Pantera was shot and killed onstage in Columbus, Ohio, as his band were playing there first song. Now I've never been a fan of Pantera, but WHAT THE FUCK!! What has happened to this world? I know this isn't the first time a musican has been shot and killed, 24 years ago to the day John Lennon was shot, in the '90's rappers 2Pac and the notorius B.I.G were shot, and Kurt Cobain was shot in his own house (they say it was suicide, but I still don't think it was). But this is the first time, to my knowledge that something like this has happened to a famous musician while on stage. How the hell was this yahoo able to get into the club with a gun? Where the fuck was security? I can't even get into a club with my wallet chain, or a studded bracelet. In less then 2 years we've had 2 major, tradgic, events happen in the Live Music world, both of them could've been avoided, and should NEVER happen again. On my birthday last year, Feb. 20th, a club in Road Island was set ablaze by pyrotecnics durring the set by '80's rockers Great White. If they either, had told the club owners what they planed to do, or had listened to what the owners had told them, or the owners had stopped letting people into the club after they had hit the occupancy limit then that could've been avoided. What happened on wednesday could have been avoided if security had been checking people comming into the show. Use a handheld metal detector wand, thats all they would have needed. Now because of this, fun-loving, honest, fans like myself will probally not be allowed to jump on stage, rock out of a minute then dive and surf. I've been doing that for 5 years now, I've been onstage with Luxt, Papa Roach and Lost Prophets just to name a few, now there is a good chance I'm not going to be able to do that, and as a musican I don't think I'd want fans jumping onstage anymore. I pray that something like this NEVER happens again, but if it does I hope the deranged fan goes after some teenybopper pop princess, a member of a boy band, or some hack from American Idle... I mean Idol. Rest in peace Dimebag, although I was never a fan, your death is a loss to heavy music, give the devil hell, and I hope you have an endless supply of guitar strings, whiskey and strippers wherever you are.
Keep the music (and Musicans) alive,
mikey oh