I came back last night from a hotel conference in Norfolk Virginia. Wow, I'm in.....Norfolk. I can generally find anything to entertain myself in most cities, but holy crap is Norfolk boring. It didn't help that the weather was pretty stormy the first two days, and all I brought besides business clothes were shorts.
After a pretty long stalemate, it looks like things are back in motion for the renovation of my hotel, which includes the room design that I came up with. For those of you who may have forgotten an earlier post I made about it, here is one pic of the model room I did. ( it needs more/bigger pillow, I know) It is going to be a fun project to spearhead. Once this is done, I can hopefully do some travel on behalf of my company, prospecting other opportunities, while still running my hotel.
In other news. I can't seem to shake the funk I am in lately. I don't know if it's the weather. It could also be the fact that I have gone to the gym in over a week. It's most likely the fact that the day to day reality of not living life with Steve is really a drag and pretty lonely. We are the six month mark of this, and it is not getting easier. There will be an end in site soon I hope. Well, I am excited that I get to see him this weekend, so that is great!