Lorem Ipsum Enomaelish

Mar 02, 2024 13:24

There is quite a bit of speculation about what the world is, at its essence, and how it came to be, in the first place. Several of the theories are absolutely ludicrous and can be discarded as completely, drooling, mad. So, setting aside the insanity of the it just happened in a Big Bang and the world was created as a slow drifting apart of a vast star mass that formed planets, the Main Religious Orders had settled on several more plausible explanations.

Among the widely disputed, and just as widely accepted of them, was the one claiming the world is a giant pimple on the forehead of the titan Epidermus, and will end as soon as he discovers a sufficiently strong acne remedy. Another theory claims that the world is the ongoing dream of a sleeping laboratory mouse, balancing on the verge of awakening. The great goal of the followers of this Church is to prevent it from waking up, thus keeping it in its dream state and delaying the End of All Times. Their holy books, prayers and chants consist of a lullaby made of two digits, 4 and 2, following each other in random order so as to lull the Holy Mouse, keeping it in its Holy Slumber.

Little did anyone know that the world is, in fact, an acorn. It is being carried by a giant miniature space squirrel into its home, where it will be eaten or left. To sprout. And that is the big dilemma of the universe. No one wants it to be eaten and, well… digested. With all the ensuing inevitable consequences. Sprouting is, however, an entirely different… problem. For now, we wait.


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