May 19, 2008 23:07
wow.. havent posted for a long time..
things lately have been, well, bad. i'm feeling more and more like crap and i feel so dull and listless, i've even been taking anti-depressants and they're not having much effect anymore.. i dont know what i need to get me going again.. i've even found that i dont want to be around my friends or anyone i know anymore and i'm finding it harder and harder to keep a smile going.. i've been in a bad mood on and off for the past three days and nothings bringing me out of it. i dont know where to turn or who to talk to. i need a vacation maybe? i've never had one you know and i think i deserve one, even to just clear my head a little. anyhow, my hands are really burning from lifting a lot of weight from the gym earlier, so i'm gunna cut this post short-